
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sloughi The Best Racing Speed Run and Muscular Of Breeders

The Sloughi Breed developed in the deserts of Ethiopia over 5000 years ago. They hunted Gazelles and desert rabbit for the nomadic tribesmen of the area. Then during the Middle Ages, when their Arab owners were invading Central Africa, this breed accompanied them to the area bordering the Sahara and Tripolitania . It is in this area where the largest numbers of this breed can be found today. This Sloughi  breed has very little body fat. Its muscular frame is built for speed and it has a coat designed for living in a warm dry climate. I mention these physical characteristics because they are some reasons why the Sloughi must be fed a different type of food than a breed a heavy layer of body fat and a double thick insulating coat to protect its body from the cold.

Sloughi Speed Run

For the Sloughi  recommend foods that are a blend of horse meat, poultry, brown rice, avocado, and wheat. However, I feel you should avoid feeding a Sloughi any soy, beet pulp, white rice, white potatoes, or beef.  Native food supplies for this breed would have been meat from the desert rabbit, gazelle, camel, goat, and sage hen. The vegetable crops would have been of a tuber type or low ground variety and the primary
grains were rice and wheat.
The Sloughi in America is more active in racing and coursing than it is in showing, because it is now able to compete in all official Sighthound sports in the USA. The dogs which participated, or are active today, in these events have the following kennel names: Mahanajim, Schuru-esch-Schams, Sheik el Arab, Shi'Rayân, Syringa, and 2 are direct imports from North Africa. America is a huge continent and the distances that one needs to travel to participate in racing and coursing are many hours of driving away. For this reason, the Shi'Rayân Sloughis Amateur Racing Association was created in 2004, and developed its own sprint racing track to enable Sighthounds to participate actively in sprint racing events, and hopefully in oval track racing events in the future as well.


The track is situated on the top of a hill, in one of the few hilly areas among the wide plains of the Middle West, in the central state of Iowa. It is. At other times than the racing events, coyotes, foxes, deer and wild turkeys can be seen walking through the mowed grass, and many flocks of wild geese use this hilly landmark for their migrations in Spring and Fall.

Sloughis continue to participate once in a while in shows, to further present the breed to American judges. Specialties on this vast continent are very difficult to organize because of the huge distances- equivalent of Madrid to Moscow that the few people who own Sloughis have to travel to meet in the same place and show their dogs. However there are a number of American show circuits which enable owners to show their Sloughis in various parts of the country. The closest FCI shows available are in Puerto Rico and Mexico, which in most cases represent several hours of flight or many miles and hours, if not days, of travel.

During all these years and until more recently, the Sloughi and the Azawakh, were met with a lot of skepticism and downright antagonism by a small faction of the Saluki Fancy- the misconception being that these 2 breeds are just another version of the Saluki. This attitude has considerably undermined the efforts of Sloughi and Azawakh owners in America. However, it seems that the new millennium has brought with it a more tolerant, and knowledgeable attitude towards these 2 breeds, as open minded people exposed to these dogs see the differences, and also because of recent DNA findings. At this point in time, although the breed is no longer perceived as a smooth Saluki and has found its own appreciative supporters, its future remains uncertain in the USA.

Sloughi Muscular Body

Sloughi Dog origin is mostly a matter of speculation. It is thought that Sloughis originally came from the Orient or from what is today Ethiopia. The Sloughi is one of the two African Sighthound breeds recognized by the FCI. On old fragments of earthenware, a short-haired sighthound with lop ears was discovered that looks like a Sloughi. Today, the Sloughi is found mainly in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Morocco is responsible for the breed's FCI Standard. It is not to be confused with the smooth Saluki of the Arabian peninsula and the Middle East, which is a variety of the Saluki breed.

The Sloughi is somewhat sensitive, its training should not be oppressive, and any punishment should be omitted. What it likes is a friendly confirmation of its behaviour. It is of a sensitive nature yet is an alert and intelligent hound. It is said that Sloughis have a mighty longing for moving and that is not easy to keep them in flats with families; however, a Sloughi does not need more exercise than other dogs of similar size. It loves variety, walking on the leash, romping in the countryside, and racing. A Sloughi is faithful to his owner and it needs him close by. Sloughis are easy to bring up and to train, if you know how to do it.

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