
Friday, June 10, 2011

Yorkshire Terreir Treatmen Prefention and Disease of Dogs

What a wonderful day it is when you pick up your new puppy and bring it home. This cute little ball of fur is finally all yours to keep and be responsible for, the rest of it's life. Oh how wonderful it is. The first thing you should do, if you know the day you are getting your puppy, is to make an appointment with your Vet. Preferably a day or two after you get back home. You will want the Yorkshire Terreir to be relaxed after the trauma of going to a new home, but not any longer than that as it is too easy to become attached to a pup and if there is something wrong with it, it will be a lot easier on you, if you have to take it back.

Yorkshire Terreir
Better yet, ask the breeder if the puppy has been taken to a Vet for a checkup, the date, and the Vet's name before you go see the puppy. Then you can call that Vet and get his advice on the health of the puppy before you see it and fall in love. This saves a lot of heartbreak. New Yorkshire Terrier or puppies should not be taken out with you and shown off to all your friends for at least a week or two. He needs to get to know and trust his new Mommy or Daddy and not be upset by strangers wanting to hold or play with him. After the puppy have become adjusted to his new home it is time to invite family and friends to visit and I also recommend the Rule of Seven:

From the age of 7 weeks until 7 months, a puppy should meet 7 new people every 7 days. Everyone she meets should give the puppy treats, and as much variety as possible in terms of size, age, color, and personality type should be represented.

The Yorkshire Terrier or puppy should also go 7 new places every 7 weeks (or at least one new place a week), and the places should be as different from each other as possible, such as a lake, a park, a shopping mall parking lot, the vet's office, a pet store, etc. And don't stop there! These recommendations are minimums - the more people and places your puppy experiences, the more well-adjusted he'll be as an adult.

Be sure the puppy is put on his own four feet for these introductions and visits; holding him in your arms can send him the wrong signals and prevent him from experiencing the world on his own.

Hypoglycemia In Yorkshire Terrier and Dogs or Puppy
I think this is the most important subject in this whole article. It is very traumatic for a puppy to be taken away from its mother and go to a strange home with strange people in it. The Yorkshire puppy is very confused, lost and frightened. So here some information on the subject. The most important thing to know about in raising puppies or acquiring a new puppy is "Hypoglycemia". Hypoglycemia is the medical term for low blood sugar, which is a condition in which there is a drastic, sudden drop in the level of blood sugar in the puppy. In small breed puppies from post-weaning to 4 month of age, the most common form of hypoglycemia is called Transient Juvenile Hypoglycemia: “Transient” because the symptoms can be reversed by eating; "Juvenile" because it is seen in young puppies.

Glucose is the "simple" sugar that the body uses for "fuel" to run its various functions. Table sugar, or sucrose, is made up of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose, and can be broken down rapidly after eating. All sugars are carbohydrates. Grains are also carbohydrates but are considered "complex" carbohydrates because they have many more components and take longer to be broken down. The body uses glucose as its primary energy source. All the parts of the body except the brain can, if needed, use alternate energy sources--fatty acids, for example, which the body accesses by breaking down fat stores. The brain, however, is completely dependent upon glucose to function.

If the glucose in the blood is lower than normal, the brain function is the first to show signs. The liver is
responsible for manufacturing glucose and for storing it in a usable form, for release into the blood stream as needed. Muscle tissues store some of the important materials used in this process. Therefore, a serious liver abnormality or insufficient muscle mass may make it difficult for the body to keep its blood sugar properly regulated.
Yorkshire Terreir

How are Small Breeds Different
Yorkshire and Puppies of very small and toy breeds of dogs have characteristics that make them more prone to the development of Transient Juvenile Hypoglycemia, which is brought on by fasting. Pups of any breed
are more likely to develop hypoglycemia than adults, because their skeletal muscle mass and liver size are smaller and brain size, larger, in proportion to the rest of their body. Therefore, there is less glucose being put out into the blood and more being used by the brain, which is dependent upon adequate glucose in order to function. In small and toy breeds, this discrepancy is more pronounced. Even a brief period of fasting in a toy breed puppy can trigger a hypoglycemic "attack. Puppies with Transient Juvenile Hypoglycemia have normal liver size and function, but inadequate glucose precursors or glucose in its stored form (body fat).

What are Yorkshire The Symptoms?
Signs of an attack are a weakness, confusion, wobbly gait, frothing or drooling from the mouth sometimes even a seizure and drain of blood from the head. A check of the gums will show them to be pale, almost a grayish white in color rather than a healthy bright pink. The puppy can go into shock and, if not cared for properly and promptly, may even die.

What Yorkshire Causes it?
Episodes of hypoglycemia often occur without warning. A puppy may be stressed by shipping, or because of their tiny size toy puppies cannot eat a lot at one time, and literally run out of fuel quickly, being chilled, or even exhaustion from too much play may cause the body to use up more sugar than is available. For the young pup prone to this condition, even a brief period of fasting in a toy breed puppy can trigger a hypoglycemic "attack". Recurring hypoglycemic attacks in toy puppies can cause brain damage. Yorkshire Terrier and Puppies should be fed several times a day a high quality diet. Most puppies will outgrow the problem. Some very tiny dogs will continue to have bouts of hypoglycemia through out their life.

Yorkshire Terrier Treatment
Feeding recommendations for puppies at risk for hypoglycemia include: frequent (4-5 times a day) feedings of high-carbohydrate, high -protein and/or -fat foods. Feeding soft moist foods may help to prevent a hypoglycemia attack due to the high sugar content. Gatorade mixed with a little honey, Ringers lactate with dextrose or Pedialyte are good products to use if dog is having an attack. These products have electrolytes, which ailing puppies need. Honey and corn syrup can be used also.

For Yorkshire pups who have had recurrent or prolonged signs, monitoring the urine for ketones with a "dipstick" made for diabetics is helpful, since a return to "ketone negative status" signals a return to normalcy.
If these measures don't correct the problem, a trip to the vet is recommended. Eating food that is readily digested and metabolized will reverse minor signs, but intravenous glucose administration is required for severe cases.

If your Yorkshire Terrier puppy is conscious, give him/her a little Karo Syrup, or Honey under its tongue, or rubbed on its gums. You can also mix honey, or corn syrup with pedialite, stir to dissolve, and dribble it into the puppy's mouth. I think that Nutri-Cal also works extremely well in an emergency. I will give my puppy a ‘squeeze of Nutri-Cal’ into their month. The puppy should begin to improve within fifteen to twenty minutes, if not contact your vet as quickly as you can.

Tags: Yorkshire Terreir Treatmen,  Disease Yorkshire Terreir,Yorkshire Terreir Breed, Yorkshire Terreir Breeders

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