
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ibizan Hound High Speed Run and Jump

The Ibizan Hound originated in the desert regions of the Middle East. The Earliest records we have of the Ibizan Hound come from the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen. This breed was also known as the Galgo during the time of the Pharaohs. Egyptian gods and mortals such as Cleopatra considered it a favorite. Phoenician traders were responsible for this dog's likeness being placed on the Roman coins. They are also given credit for transporting this breed to the island of Ibiza in the early 8th century. There, this breed remained isolated from other dog breeds and was bred pure for centuries. It is from this small Balearic island that we have today's Ibizan Hound.

Ibizan Hound High Jumping

The Ibizan Hound (Podenco Ibicenco) is a hunting dog of great antiquity which has evolved from the original breed of ancient Egypt, and whose present-day quarry is primarily rabbits and hares. Unusually versatile, he is called “the three-way hunter”, owing to his highly developed sight, scent, and hearing. The Ibizan excels in agility, quick reflexes, stamina, and the ability to jump great heights from a standstill. Possessing keen enthusiasm, the Ibizan is a persistent and determined hunter.

The breed is used by day or night, singly or in packs, and retrieves well to hand. Although mostly used on rabbits, it is also used on partridge, lynx, and deer. The conformation, instincts, and intelligence that are essential to the breed’s function must be preserved, and it is assumed that the top specimens in the breed will prove their ability in the hunting field.

Ibizan Hound General Appearance
The Ibizan’s clean-cut lines, large prick ears, and light pigment give it a distinctive appearance. Lithe and racy, the Ibizan possesses a deerlike elegance, combined with the strength and power of a hunter. The Ibizan Hound stands slightly longer than tall, with a dry-fleshed, sinewy, angular body. Moderate and not highly specialized in one ability at the expense of others, this is a dog of function, not fashion, and should be shown with vibrissae (whiskers) untrimmed. No aspect of the standard should be emphasized to the point of exaggeration or caricature. In top show condition, the last few ribs and pelvic girdle, especially the hipbones, are in evidence. No penalty should be assessed a dog in hunting condition (strongly muscled, scant of flesh, possibly bearing hunting scars or broken teeth).

Ibizan Hound Sped Run

Ibizan Hound Temperament
Keen and alert, playful and vivacious, yet gentle; although unusually inquisitive and gregarious. The Ibizan may be reserved with strangers and sometimes wary of strange places. However, this is not a nervous dog, neither shy nor aggressive. The Ibizan Hound, while independent, is responsive and readily trainable.

Ibizan Hound Head
A truncated cone when viewed from above and in profile. When viewed from above, tapered from the widest part of the skull to the nose almost in a straight line; long and lean; flat skull, prominent occiput; length from eyes to nose and eyes to occiput is equal. Muzzle: Powerful but fineboned, slightly chiseled under the eyes, in profile, the plane of the muzzle is parallel to that of the skull, until a slight roman convex at the nasal bones, just before the nose.  

Lips: Tight. Stop: Visible but slight. Nose: Prominent, extending beyond the lower jaw, having a rosy pigment; flesh coloured or butterfly noses are acceptable; no trace of black or brown pigment. Teeth: Strong, well set in a scissors bite; full (42) dentition desired. Eyes: Oblique, rather small, tight eyelids, ranging in colour from clear amber to caramel; the iris may have a dark rim; alert, intelligent expression.

Ears: Large, independently mobile, natural prick ears; when alert, the base of the ear is in line with the rear corner of the eye; never cropped or tampered with; when viewed from the front, the shape is an elongated rhomboid truncated at a third of its longer diagonal; when alert, in profile, the ears follow the line from the crest of the neck with a slight backward sweep at the tips; ears may be folded against the skull when relaxed. The Ibizan’s mobile ears are highly expressive of its mood and are one of the charms of the breed.

Ibizan Hound Weight Standards: m/f - 45 to 75 lbs.
Height Standards: m/f - 25 to 29 inches
Coat: short with a course texture in solid white or white with red
Common Ailments: hot spots and skin rashes

Ibizan Hound Colour
Solid red, lion, or white, or a mixture of white and red, or white and lion. No colour or pattern preferred. No other colour allowed.

Ibizan Hound Forequarters
The Ibizan’s agility depends in part on a highly flexible forelimb assembly. Set on the 4-5 rib, the scapula is flexible, sloping to 30-35 degrees (measured along its spine); humerus rather upright, so that the elbow is in front of the deepest part of the brisket, and can be rotated easily away from the body to a minimum of 45 degrees; the immature Ibizan is allowed a degree of looseness in gait. The mature Ibizan, in hunting condition, will stand and gait true. There is a fine distinction between flexibility
in the forelimb assembly and an unsound front.

Ibizan Hound Dogs which are “tied in shoulder”, or cannot rotate humerus away from the body, lack flexibility; mature dogs who stand out at elbows or who gait markedly out at elbows are unsound. Legs: Forelegs long and straight with clean, fine bladed bone and prominent sinews; moderate width between the elbows. Pasterns: Erect to slightly sloping; flexible. Feet: Hare feet; long, closed toes; thick, durable pads; toes moderately knuckled and slightly webbed; front feet may be very slightly toed out; dewclaws removal is optional.

Ibizan Hound Body
The topline of the back may appear flat, but in reality the lumbar vertebrae are gently arched (coursing develops the arch of the lumbar vertebrae until it is visible in the topline); the loin is muscular and of moderate width. Chest: The deepest part of the chest may be on a level with or above the elbow, but never below it; chest not broad, with slight spring of rib; prominent manubrium (point of sternum); should not interfere with the flexibility of the forelimb assembly; abdomen well
tucked up. Croup: Long, sloping of moderate width.

Ibizan Hound Hindquarters
Rear quarters appear relatively vertical because they are set under the body for agility and jumping power; when viewed in profile, a vertical line passes from the ischiatic tuberosity (pinbone) in front of the hock assembly, through the middle of the rear paw at the proximal phalanges; prominent ilium (hipbone) and ischium (pinbone); stifle and hock joints moderately angulated; muscles well developed; upright hocks with welldefined calcaneal bone; no dewclaws on hind legs. There should be no question of the strength and power of the rear quarters.

Ibizan Hound Tail
Low set, reaches at least to hock; carried in a sickle, ring or whip position, never lying on the back.

Ibizan Hound Gait
The Ibizan’s gaits are distinctive. While not the fastest sighthound, he has great endurance. In full gallop, giving tongue, he seems to flow after his quarry in relentless pursuit. No fence or obstacle interrupts his path and his limber forelimbs, flexible spine and counterbalancing tail, allow him to turn abruptly within his own length without losing speed. The Ibizan should be shown in a controlled, single-tracking, diagonally supported trot; front and rear action is balanced, springing from the pasterns with every joint showing great flexion, effortless, elegant, leaving the impression that the feet barely touch the ground, yet covering much ground. The tail is carried high but not touching the back. At all times the dog is in perfect balance, and the rhythm of his gait is difficult to break.

Ibizan Hound Disqualifications
Black or brown pigment in skin or coat, indicating a lack of breed purity; any colour other than red, lion, or white.

For the Ibizan Hound recommended foods that are a blend of poultry, lamb, brown rice and wheat. However, you should avoid feeding an Ibizan Hound any food that contains soy, beef, horse meat, potato, or white rice. Native food supplies for this breed would have been from their 8th century Balearic island home. They would have consisted of fish, rabbit, and goat meat with grains of wheat and a type of brown rice.

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