
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Brahman Cow Brahman Cattle Brahman Bull Breeders

Bos indicus

Brahman Cow, Brahman Cattle, Brahman Bull. Bos indicus (also referred to as Zebu-type) are humped cattle originating in South Central Asia. Bos indicus are adapted to tropical and sub-tropical environments, which include the stresses of heat, humidity, parasites, and poorly digestible forages. Environmental adaptability and hybrid vigor of cattle with a percentage of Zebu-type breeding are particularly significant in the southern part of the United States. The general vigor, especially early in life and reproductive efficiency of purebred Bos indicus may be poor, but this can be remedied through crossbreeding.

Hybrid Bos indicus-Bos taurus cattle are generally vigorous and fertile. Formal research and commercial producer experience reveals that the most practical and productive commercial application is with crossbred cows that have some Bos indicus genetics. The birth weight of purebred Bos indicus calves are unusually low. This seems to be primarily a maternal characteristic. When Bos indicus bulls are used on other types of females, the birth weights are higher. Bos indicus cattle are later maturing than Bos taurus, but their longevity is greater than Bos taurus.

Some examples of Bos indicus cattle are the Nelore, Gyr, Guzerat, Brahman, Brangus, and Beefmaster breeds. The Brahman, Brangus, Beefmaster, and other Bos indicus breeds developed in the United States
are often referred to as American breeds. Several of these breeds are composite breeds, which means that they were developed by crossing two or more breeds, but these breeds are still classified as Bos indicus. The following are Bos indicus breeds that are commonly found in the United States.

The Brahman Cow breed originated in the United States from humped cattle that were imported from India and Brazil. Brahman cattle are a horned breed that vary in color, but are predominantly gray and red. Brahman cattle are humped, have large drooping ears, and loose skin in the throat and dewlap. These cattle have a very high tolerance to heat and have a natural resistance to many parasites. They are considered a maternal breed. If the Brahman bull looks like it was put together from the parts of several different animals, that’s because it was, in a way. The ancestors of Brahman cattle were several different types of hump-backed cattle from India. Cattle breeders in the southern United States developed Brahman cattle between 1854 and 1926.

The Brahman has a humped back, long, drooping ears and loose skin. Like the camel, the Brahman stores food and water in the odd-looking hump on its back. The hump is a deposit of fat. Farmers and ranchers in the southeastern US and the Gulf States like to raise Brahman cattle because they can stand the heat, and insects don’t bother them much. Some cattle breeders have tried crossing Brahman cattle with other breeds of American beef cattle to develop other breeds that can stand harsh conditions. Brahman cattle are also called “Brahma” or “zebu.” Many Brahmans are light to medium gray, but there are some that are red and some that are almost black. Brahman bulls weigh between 1,600 and 2,200 pounds. Brahman cows weigh between 1,000 and 1,400 pounds.

Brahman cattle a breed of cattle developed in the southern United States from stock originating in India having a hump between the shoulders and a large fold of loose skin hanging from the neck breed (n) A group of animals descending from a common ancestry and possessing certain common characteristics which distinguish it from any other group. (v) To cause to reproduce, especially by controlled mating and selection. To develop new or improved strains in animals or plants. Zebu a domesticated bovine mammal of Asia and Africa, having a prominent hump on the back and a large fold of loose skin hanging for the neck

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