
Friday, October 7, 2011

Peron’s sea snake Acalyptophis Peroni and Eydoux’ Sea Snake;

Peron’s sea snake Acalyptophis Peroni  Horned sea snake

Peron’s sea snake is Maximum total length about 125 cm. Scale rows around neck 19 to 24 (rarely up to 27); scale rows around body 23 to 31 (rarely 21 or 32); ventrals 142 to 222. Maxillary teeth behind the poison-fangs 5 to 8. Often seen on the surface of reefs at medium depths. Feeds on Eleotridae and Gobiidae. Found in the Gulf of Thailand, Viet Nam, China, the Australian region, and New Caledonia; future investigations will probably reveal its presence in Indonesia.

Peron’s sea snake-Acalyptophis Peroni

Eydoux’ Sea Snake Aipysurus Eydouxii

Eydoux’ sea snake
Eydoux’ sea snake is Maximum total length about 115 cm. Scale rows around neck 17 (rarely 16); scale rows around body 17; ventrals 124 to 155, slightly notched on posterior border. Maxillary teeth behind the
poison-fangs 8 to 12, very small. Head shields regular. Feeds exclusively on benthic fish eggs. Caught by trawls from the surface to about 23 m; does not inhabit clear reef waters. East coast of Malayan Peninsular, Gulf of Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines, Indonesia, and the Australian region. The only species of the genus Aipysurus which is caught outside the Australian region.

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