
Friday, June 10, 2011

Weimaraner History Food Care and Beeders

The Weimaraner is elegant and athletic in appearance. All parts of the dog should be in balance with each other, creating a form that is pleasing to the eye. It must be capable of working in the field, regardless of whether it is from show stock or hunting stock, and faults that will interfere with working ability are heavily penalized. Traditionally, the tail is docked to a third of its natural length shortly after birth. This is part of the AKC breed standard. However, these alterations have since been illegalized in several other countries; as such those dogs are shown with their natural tails.

Weimaraner Color Black
Weimaraner color black coat remains an automatic disqualification, though a small white marking in the chest area only is permitted. However, dogs with blue coats are not disqualified from field competition and are recognized as purebred Weimaraners by the AKC. There is another incidental variety, described as having the 'mark of the hound', where the dog is the usual grey colour but with faint tan markings.

The Weimaraner developed in Germany during the late 1700's and early 1800's in the Weimar Court, a township in the foothills of the German Alps close to Bavaria. Originally called the Weimar Pointer in their native land, they hunted the wolves, wildcats, mountain lions, and bear from the surrounding mountains. After these animals of prey became rare or extinct in the Weimaraner's native area, the breed then hunted the smaller fur bearing game and upland game birds of the area. They excelled as a bird dog because of their very soft mouth and were well established as a retriever for both upland birds and waterfowl when they first entered this country.
Some of the earliest weimaraners, prior to being sent to America for breeding, were sterilized in order for America not to popularize their special breed. But starting in the late 19th century the breed became increasingly common throughout Europe and the United States. Although slower than many other gundogs, such as Pointers, the Weimaraner is thorough and this made it a welcome addition to the sportsman's household. The breed's happy, lively temperament has endeared it to families.With the rise in popularity, some changes have been made to the breed.

Since they were bred to be true members of a family, some Weimaraners suffer from severe separation anxiety. Manifestations of this behavior disorder include panicked efforts to rejoin the owner when separation occurs, excessive drooling, destructive behaviors, associated injuries such as broken teeth or cut lips and barking loudly. Most just wait on the couch or by the window for their owner to come back home. Behavior modification training and medications may reduce the severity of symptoms associated with this disorder in some Weimaraners. However, the breed is generally refractory to such treatment and behavior modification training efforts. As individuals of the breed age the severity of separation anxiety symptoms decreases somewhat, but does not completely abate. More common, lighter manifestations of separation anxiety include wailing, which mimics a high pitched crying tone.


 Native food supplies for this breed would have been from the Weimar Township area of Germany. The soil here is not noted for its fertility and has a unique mineral content. I associate this soil's unique mineral content with this breed's unique mineral requirements. Food crops of the area include the potato, cabbage, alfalfa, and barley with meats like pork, poultry, beef, goat, and deer.

For the Weimaraner I recommend foods that are high in animal fat from lamb and poultry. The overall food blend should be poultry first, lamb second, potato third and then a blend of grains like wheat and barley. I
feel you should avoid feeding a Weimaraner any ocean fish, beet pulp, white rice, or soy.

Weight Standards: m - 70 to 85 lbs., f - 55 to 70 lbs.
Height Standards: m - 25 to 27 inches, f - 23 to 25 inches
Coat: short sleek and gray in color
Common Ailments: bloat and dysplasia

Tags: Weimaraner  Dog-Puppy-Puppies, Weimaraner Breed Standart and Health, History Weimaraner

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