
Friday, June 10, 2011

Welsh Springer Spaniel Best Tailed Color and Breeders

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a compact, solidly built dog, bred for hard work and endurance. Their body can give the impression of length due to its obliquely angled forequarters and developed hindquarters. The build of the Welsh Springer Spaniel should be slightly off square, meaning that the length of the dog should be slightly greater than the height at the withers. However, some dogs may be square, and this is not penalised in the show ring as long as the height is never greater than the length. Traditionally a docked breed, dependant on legislation in the country of origin, and where allowed the dew claws can be removed.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Welsh Springers are often confused with the English Springer Spaniel, but there are marked differences. The Welsh Springer is slightly smaller, and its reddish markings on a white background as opposed to the English Springers black or liver-coloured markings. Both breeds are admired for their hunting abilities and their trademark trait of "springing" at game. Some experts believe that the Welsh Springer Spaniel and the Brittany Spaniel share the same ancestry as there is a great deal of resemblance between the two breeds. The colours of the Welsh Springer, while exclusive from the English Springer, appear in the Brittany Spaniel and the Brittany and Welsh Springers are both of similar sizes. The Welsh Springer is larger than the English Cocker Spaniel.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel developed in Wales, which is located on a peninsula of Great Britain. This breed is a direct descendant of the red and white dogs that the Gauls brought to Wales in pre-Roman times. In Wales they were isolated from the rest of the world and bred pure for centuries. Wales has been described as a highland country of old hard rocks. Yet this country, which is only 150 miles long, has three very distinct climates.

Welsh Springer Spaniel
The Welsh Springer Spaniel comes from the higher elevations of Wales (2700 to 3500 ft.) in the Brecknock area. This specific area of Wales has a great deal of temperature flux. It was this environment that gave this breed a weather resistant coat that is "self cleaning". It was also this environment that gave this breed its unique nutritional requirements. Only a limited variety of crops (rye, barley, wheat, and potato) could grow in the rocky soil of this breed's native environment. Any meats of the area were from the small herds of cattle or sheep and domesticated poultry, or wild fowl. For the Welsh Springer Spaniel I recommend foods that blend poultry, mutton, and beef meats with corn, wheat, and potato. However, I also recommend that you avoid feeding any ocean fish, white rice, avocado, or soy bean product to this breed.

Welsh Springer Spaniel
The Welsh Springer Spaniel was also at one time called the Welsh Spaniel, and also at one point was included in the Kennel Club (UK) studbook as Cocker Spaniels, and was known as the Welsh Cocker. During the 19th century were several different varieties of Cocker Spaniel, including the English, the Welsh and the Devonshire as the term was used to describe the size of the dog rather than the breed. Unusually, in John George Wood's 1865 book The Illustrated Natural History, an image is described showing a Welsh Cocker Spaniel as a solid coloured dark spaniel. The same inscription is used in the 1867 work The Dog in Health and Disease by Stonehenge and he further describes the Welsh Cocker and the Devonshire Cocker as "both being of a deep liver colour". The Welsh Springer was relatively unknown during the 19th Century, but this changed in 1900 when Mr. A. T. Williams of Ynis-y-Gerwn won the team stake at the Sporting Spaniel Club Trials.

Weight Standards: m/f - average 40 lbs.
Height Standards: m/f - average 17 inches
Coat: flat, silky textured with mild feathering, red & white in color
Common Ailments: epilepsy, hot spots and skin rashes

Tags : Welsh Springer Spaniel Puppies-Puppy, Welsh Springer Spaniel Developed,  Welsh Springer Spaniel Pointer Breeds and Breeders

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