
Saturday, April 9, 2011

German Wirehaired Pointer The Muscle and Best Hunter Dogs

The German Wirehaired Pointer developed in Northern Germany because sportsmen wanted both a water retriever and a pointer of upland game-birds. This breed is a very heavy shedder in the warmer summer months. This seasonal shedding is a nutritional factor that should be considered in their dietary requirements. Since their coat's fiber is made from protein, their protein requirements change when it comes time to grow their winter coat. I suggest an increase in their dietary protein during the fall months to help produce the heavier new winter coat. The increase in the dietary protein content should be about 2% to 3% above their normal maintenance diet. This can be achieved by feeding them a commercial formula with the same base sources as in their everyday food, but with a higher protein amount. Note; Many puppy formulas would meet these changes. Once the new coat is set, they can then return to lower protein food for the balance of the year.

German Wirehaired Pointer

Inflammation of skeletal muscle in German wiredhaired pointer dogs can be of an infectious or non-infectious aetiology. Among the non-infectious muscle diseases, myositis of the masticatory muscles is most often reported (Whitney, 1970; Griffiths and others, 1973; Roberts, Hanson and Zaslow, 1975; Whitney, 1957; Glauberg and Beaumont, 1979; Duncan and Griffiths, 1980; Farnbach, 1983). Polymyositis, an inflammatory disease involving many skeletal muscles, has been less frequently reported (Averill, 1974; Scott and delahunta, 1974; Duncan and Griffiths, 1980; Kornegay and others 1980; Farnbach, 1983). Some authors believe that polymyositis and myositis of the masticatory muscles are two different conditions (Orvis and Cardinet, 1981 ; Shelton and others, 1985).

These authors have found that the masticatory muscles of the dog have a different muscle fibre type composition than the rest of the skeletal muscles (Orvis ana Cardinet, 1981). They also found, in dogs with myositis of the masticatory muscles, circulating antibodies against muscle protein of the temporalis muscle, but not against protein of limb muscles (Shelton and others, 1985).

Two German wiredhaired pointer seven-month-old littermates, one male (A) and one female (B), were presented with acute vomiting, weakness and drooling from the mouth. After admission, both dogs were subjected to clinical examination, and radiographs were taken of the neck and thorax in both cases. Blood samples for haematological and biochemical analyses were taken 10 times from dog A and three times from dog B (Table 1). Urine and faeces were also examined in a routine manner. Sera from the dogs were analysed for rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibodies.

German Wirehaired Pointer

Electromyographic studies were performed under phentiazinphosphate sedation (Combelen vet; Bayer) and intravenous thiopenthal sodium anaesthesia (Pentothal Natrium ; Abbott). Needle electromyograms were carried out using Medelec EMG system, model MS92a and a concentric needle. Selected muscles from both thoracic and pelvic limbs were studied. Before the dogs were anaesthetised, motor unit potentials were studied by squeezing a toe and recording with a concentric needle in a contracting muscle. Motor nerve conduction velocity studies were performed using surface electrodes as the reference and recording electrodes.

The recording electrode was placed over the metacarpal interosseous muscle and the ulnar nerve was stimulated at the carpus and elbow with surface stimulating electrodes. Electromyographic studies were done in both dogs, while motor nerve conduction velocity studies were only undertaken in dog A.

Open muscle biopsies were taken during intravenous thiopental sodium anaesthesia from the triceps brachii and femoris muscles of both dogs. One biopsy was taken from each muscle. The specimens were immediately frozen in isopentane cooled to - 160°C by immersion into liquid nitrogen. Transverse sections (10 pm thick) were stained with azophloxin-safran and Gomori trichrome stain. In addition, staining for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase activity after preincubation at pH 9.4 and pH 4.2, and for NADH activity, was also performed. All specimens were evaluated by light microscopy.

German Wirehaired Pointer

Native food supplies for this breed would have been poultry of the game bird variety, mutton, pork, and fresh water fish. Also available was wheat with other high carbohydrate / starchy vegetables like cabbage and potato. For the German Wirehaired Pointer I recommend foods that are a blend of poultry, lamb, wheat, potato, and fish. I also recommend you avoid feeding a soy and white rice blend to a German Wirehaired Pointer.

Electromyographic studies were only carried out during the recovery period, three months after the dogs had first showed signs. German Wirehaired Pointer Dog A was clinically improving, but had still an elevated serum creatine kinase level. No spontaneous activity was recorded, though the motor unit potentials in the quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles were short and polyphasic. German Wirehaired Pointer Dog B showed no clinical signs and serum creatine kinase levels were normal. A few fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves were recorded from the triceps muscle on the left side. Motor nerve conduction velocity recorded in the right ulnar nerve of dog A was normal (64 m/sec).

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