
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Glen of Imaal Terrier Best Terrier Dogs and Recommended Foods

History Glen of Imaal Terrier

The Glen of Imaal Terrier is a true dog of Ireland, with a history that dates from 2500 BC. It is a courageous breed that originally hunted badgers in the rocky cliffs of Wicklow County on the southeast coast of Ireland. One of the things this breed does differently than other Terriers is it will not bark or make any noise when fighting even when taking on a fox or badger in the lair. Physically this breed is very heavily boned for its size. It also has a large chest to house a set of lungs that are very large for a dog of only 14 inches and 35 pounds. I feel that both of these physical features play a role in the unique nutritional requirements of this breed.

The Glen of Imaal Terrier receives its name from the Glen of Imaal, a region in the county of Wicklow Ireland where it was developed long ago. It is a game terrier, fearless in attacking quarry and compact enough to go to ground after badger or fox and game enough to fight its chosen vermin. Glen of Imaal Terrier Medium sized with medium length coat, great strength with impression of maximum substance for size of dog. Body longer than high. Its distinctive head with rose or half pricked ears, its levelled forequarters with turned out feet, its unique outline and topline are hallmarks of the breed.

Glen of Imaal Terrier
Glen of Imaal Terrier Temperament
Active, agile and silent when working. Game and spirited with great courage when called upon, otherwise gentle and docile. His loyal and affectionate nature makes him a very acceptable house dog and companion. The Glen of Imaal is said to be less easily excited than other terriers, though he is always ready to give chase when called upon.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Size
Glen of Imaal Terrier Height
33 to 35 cm (13-14 inches) at the shoulder; 35 cm (14 inches) maximum height for dogs and bitches.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Weight
Weight approximately 35 lbs (16 kg), bitches somewhat less. Shall not be penalized for being slightly outside the suggested weight.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Length
The length of body, measured from sternum to buttocks, and height measured from the highest point of the shoulder blades to ground, to be in a ratio of approximately 5 (length) to 3 (height). The overall balance is more important than any single specification.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier Coat & Colour

Hair: Medium length, of harsh texture with soft undercoat. Coat may be tidied to present a neat outline.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Colour
• Blue brindle but not toning to black.
• Wheaten, from a light wheaten colour to a golden reddish shade.
• Puppies may be born coloured Blue, Wheaten, or Reddish. Lighter coloured pups usually have an inky blue mask, and there may also be a streak of Blue down the back, on the tail, and on the ears.
The darker markings will clear with maturity.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Head
Skull: Of good width and of fair length. Stop: Pronounced. Nose: Black. Muzzle: Foreface of power, tapering to the nose. Jaws: Strong. Teeth: Teeth sound, regular, strong and of good size. Scissor bite. Eyes: Brown, medium size, round and set well apart. Light eyes should be penalised. Ears: Small rose or half pricked when alert, thrown back when in repose. Full drop or prick undesirable.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Neck
Very muscular and of moderate length.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Forequarters
Shoulders: Broad, muscular and well laid back. Forelegs: Short, bowed and well boned. Feet: Compact and strong with rounded pads. Front feet to turn out slightly from pasterns.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Tail
Docked. Strong at root, well set on and carried gaily. Pups tails docked to half length. A natural tail (undocked) is allowed for in countries where docking is banned by law.

Free, not hackneyed. Covers ground effortlessly with good drive behind.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
• Hound ears.
• Undershot bite, overshot bite.
• Too short in body.
• Straight front.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier Disqualification
• Aggresive or overly shy.
• Black & Tan colour.
• Narrow foreface.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
NOTE: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Was a Glen of Imaal Terrier puppy, he was rarely out of sight or sound of me, and on those occasions when I needed to leave him home alone, he would cry and carry on. As he got a bit older, I made a point of leaving him alone, and he has outgrown the problem. He still wants to go everywhere with me, but he accepts the situation when he is left home. He is frequently by himself for 6-8 hours, sometimes as long as 12 hours, with almost no problems. I do not restrain him, and he has the run of the house. He has had a few problems while I've been away, but has chosen one part of the kitchen floor, which is easy to clean up - I think maybe three instances in the past two years.”

Glen of Imaal Terrier Recommend Foods

Food supplies native to this breed would have been the ground animals it hunted. Both ocean and stream fish were a staple in its diet. The grain and vegetable crops native to Wicklow County Ireland would have included barley, oats, and potato. For the Glen of Imaal Terrier I recommend foods that are high in the protein from a fish source blended with barley, oats, potato, and a little beef. However, you should avoid feeding a Glen of Imaal Terrier anything you would not find in an Irish Stew, such as white rice, soy beans, beets, or avocado.

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