This common krait which is locally known as " Manyar” is met with at the bottom of the foothills.
In this region this snake does not grow more than about three feet. It is. steel blue with white double cross bars over the body. It is a very poisonous snake and the venom is neurotoxic. This may be found in the areas adjoining Goa and Karwar. It is light brown with deep brown scales and light longitudinal lines allover the body.
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Common Krait |
Cobras are common Krait all over the district. Both the binocellate and no mark varieties are seen in this district. Brownish and blackish varieties are found allover the district. This snake can never be mistaken. It is worshipped because of its frightful colouration and the hood as well as the poison. It is quite a deadly snake and the poison is neurotoxic. Common Krait Snake during the day it is sluggish and rolls its body into a loose coiled ball, keeping its head well-concealed. In balled condition, the snake allows considerable handling, however, over handling often instigates bites. At night the snake is very active, escapes by hissing loudly, or keeping still, occasionally biting the source of the annoyance.When agitated, it will coil up with head concealed, body flattened, and make jerky movements. May also lift its tail. Reluctant to bite, but when it does bite, it typically bites and holds on for awhile, which enables it to inject considerable amounts of venom.
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Common Krait |
The maximum number of snake-bites in the district are due to this snake alone. The amount of poison given by this snake at a bite is less than the lethal dose. The victim does not, therefore, die immediately but the symptoms go on assuming a dangerous shape. In about three days the wound would grow to an unusual shape and the person may start bleeding from all over the body. The death is not due exactly to the poisoning but to the secondary symptoms which develop later on. In Deogad taluka this snake is frequently found all over the area under stones and in the hedges which are made up of stones. It feeds on small lizards, scorpions and a majority of insects found nearby
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